You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for coming out to our "Fresh" screenings!
We had a screening at the Village tonight.....

It was held at the top floor of the Tower (bldg. 1). So we got to catch an epic sunset!

Students from all over campus came out to enjoy this fantastic film, the food that Dining provided, and a chance to mingle with other attendees. : )

The attendees got to check out the EcoNaut's extensive spread of informative posters on our eco-initiatives, sign up to "pledge for the planet", preview our Rush EKO shirts, pick up a "Farm 2 U" farmer's market flyer, and look at a list of San Diego restaurants that incorporate sustainable ingredients in their dishes.

Thanks again to the group of 25 strong that came to the 5:30pm screening, and the handful of students that made it to the second round at 7pm!!
The chance to talk about the film with students was great, and I hope you guys took something away from the experience. : )
Keep inspiring others...
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