Friday, April 30, 2010
May Upcoming HDH Events
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sustainability Job Opportunity.....and Bubbles at Muirstock!
You can be a part of sustainability in your own way....
Here's a message from the SSC about job and intern opportunities on-campus, for the Fall 2010 term. Please e-mail Elizabeth Elman for the applications.
"Our good friends at The Student Sustainability Collective have some grand options for anyone looking to cultivate some the message below for more info:
Want to be a part of the Student Sustainability Collective?
Want to get paid for supporting sustainability efforts on campus?
Apply to be an SSC Director, SSC Intern, or TGIF Grant Coordinator!
Positions available:
· Director for Water
· Director for Energy and Waste
· Director for Civil and Human Rights
· Director for Corporate Accountability
· TGIF Grant Coordinator
· Calendar and Website Coordinator
· Administrative Coordinator
· Graphics Media Coordinator
· Grassroots Marketing Coordinator
Application and resume due by 5pm on Thursday, May 6th to"
Muirstock was sooooo fun! Students had a blast in the Muir Quad just hanging out and having fun with bubbles provided by the EcoNauts. : )
Kim had her game face on for one of the many Muirstock activities, as she shot a recyclable item in what else but....a recycling box!
Keep coming out in force Tritons! You're too much fun. : )
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Trash Sort
I hope you had a wonderful Earth Week and your week is off to a great start!
I want to thoroughly share the news coverage we got from the Trash Sort that kicked off the beginning of Earth Week celebrations.
All the major local news stations were there because trash is eye-catching! Check out the links below~
UCSD digs through 1000 lbs trash
The Guardian
There is also a great conference in LA June 20-23. Check out the 2010 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference site here!
I want to also remind you to register and attend the 8th Annual California Student Sustainability Coalition's Spring Converegence~ Right here at UCSD!
Here is a quick link for you to register: fun!
Registration ends at midnight on Wednesday, April 28th.
Wishing you a wonderful day full of laughter,
Jessica B.
Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Earth Week adventures!
Earth Week has been a good time!
I ventured over to the Marshall Lowers last weekend (Sun. April 18th) to check out the cool trial run of the laundry racks being funded by HDH's very own Green Grants! woohoo
The lovely interns from Green Campus, Susan Kram and Jennifer Hull, had the event at Marshall RA, Jennifer Truong's apartment.
The event was a success, as residents from six Marshall apartments came by to collect their laundry racks. Two racks were designated per apartment, and by the end of the quarter, the Green Campus reps will send the recipients a survey asking for feedback regarding their experience using the racks.
In other news, in case you guys missed it, there was a massive trash sort in Town Square this last Monday (April 19th) stemming from UCSD's Recyclemania results.
Videos: UCSD kicked off its annual Earth Week festivities with students digging through more than 1,000 pounds of trash to demonstrate how much could have been recycled.
UCSD digs through 1000 lbs. of trash to kick off Earth Week
The photo below is the aftermath of the sort.
Krista Mays, Truman Mak, and Kimberly Tran took a breather after an intense day that lasted from before 8am until after 12pm.
We collected bag after bag of recyclable material from the trash sort as seen here in the blue bags by Truman's feet.
I was proud to represent The Village, being that they placed first out of all six colleges, with a Recyclemania waste diversion rate of 31%.
The Earth Day pre-party went down today in Price Center East! The EcoNauts were out celebrating the Earth, while rockin our tye-dye Ts and "EcoNaut Approved" tats.
We had bubbles, face paint, temporary tattoos, and Recyclemania results!! woohoo
If you guys happened to be at any of these events, tell me what you thought of them!
See you at Muirstock!....Fri, April 23rd, Muir Quad, 2-5pm!
Happy Earth Week!
* Hilary
Monday, April 19, 2010
Earth Week is Here!
There will be a few more blog posts relating to Earth Week!
As Earth Week kicked off this morning, the EcoNauts were out sorting trash on Town Square. The "digging" was covered by all the local news stations. Make sure to keep an eye out for the recordings!
A chance to win a bike? Oh my!
There is Sustainabili-tweet challenge on Facebook and Twitter to win a bike. Part of it is free Coffee!
Follow and Facebook: UC San Diego Sustainability to receive daily
Earth Week challenges. Each day, the most creative answer posted on either site will win a free coffee at Perk’s Café and be entered to win a bike.
Check out the flyer here: we love earth!
More events are on this site:
Please email me with any questions or words you have to share!
In love,
Happy Earth Week!
(A picture of me, my sister, and one of our best friends at the Balboa Earth Fair on April 18th)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Canyon Vista has started a dinner buffet.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Free Healthy Cooking Class....yum

Recreation Fitlife Programs present:
Becoming a Healthy Chef!
Wednesday, April 14, 5:30-6:30 pm
FREE to students!
Come join us and be a part of an interactive healthy cooking event.
Learn how to cook and eat healthfully on campus.
Rebecca McDivitt, R.D., from Housing and Dining, and Executive Chef Vaughn Vargas will be guest speakers.
This is so great for the students living on campus that want to cook using ingredients from the Place and Markets.
I'm going!!
See you there Tritons : )
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
April 18th Earth Day Events!
Happy Spring!
Next week is Earth Week and there will be tons of fun shared! Make sure to keep in the loop about Earth Week events on the website:
On Sunday, April 18th there will be three great events you can be a part of~
- The first is the 6k run (or walk) for water located at the Crown Point on Vacation Island in Mission Bay. They will be signing folks in and registering everyone at the blue roofed gazebo at the North East corner of Crown Point at 10 a.m. The 6k is meant to simulate the average distance girls and women have to walk around the world to get access to water, that usually isn't even clean. Registration is only $5 and the money gets donated to the Global Water Challenge, an organization that works to establish clean drinking systems (a cool little box they've invented) in underdeveloped communities. The intention is to raise awareness around how desperate folks around the world are for water and to remind us how fortunate we are to be able to walk a few steps to our nearest sink or water source when we crave some H20. Here is the website detailing more information about the event where you can also register: You can join the Facebook group for the event and spread the word HERE

2. Balboa EarthFair
- Sunday, April 18, 2010 Balboa Park • 10am – 5pm
- The world's largest annual environmental fair and Earth Day Celebration
- – produced by volunteers

3. Multi-cultural Earth Day Celebration at the WorldBeat Center LINK
- 11am-7PM
- WorldBeat Center Lawn & Pepper Grove
I hope to see you!
May you have a fabulous day!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Spring Convergence
- Before April 18th: $15 for students, $20 for non-students
- After April 18th: $25 for students, $30 for non-students
- On-site registration: $30 for students, $35 for non-students

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
SPRING into action: Upcoming Events!

If you are looking for an on-campus job for next year...
Come to the Career Peer Educator Program Info Session this Friday at the Career Services Center!
Friday 4/9 12pm-1pm in the Horizon Room.
(located along Library Walk, in between the Student Health Center and the International Center)
Get leadership training and experience in developing advising, communication, and presentation skills. You'll basically know the ins-and-outs of all the great resources they provide there!
If you're not looking for a job, it's also a great chance to stop by the center to browse around.
For more info go to:
Feeling creative? Showcase your talent by entering the....
Earth Week Art Contest
Start Time: | Sunday, April 4, 2010 at 2:05am |
End Time: | Monday, April 12, 2010 at 5:05am |
Location: | UC San Diego |
Rain Forest by Yukan Teruya (toilet paper rolls)
Earth Week Art CompetitionArt works entered in the contest may be up to 32 inches by 32 inches (including the frame) and may be up to 4 inches in depth. The art work may be:
• Paintings - including oil, acrylics, and watercolor
• Drawings - including pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, and markers
• Collage
• Prints - including lithographs, silkscreen, and block prints
• Mixed Media/Sculpture
• Computer Generated Art
• Photography
• Short Film (less than 5 minutes)
All entries must be an original in concept, design and execution for the following categories in relation to Earth Week:
Send an artist's biography, the category you're applying for, a brief description of how you think it fits that category, and a photo or scanned picture of the submission to
Check out another event happening on-campus...
Books for Prisoners presents 4th Annual Prisoner Art Show
Monday, April 12th at 6pm in Price Center Ballroom B
$5 at the door.
All proceeds go toward sending book's to prisoners.
GROW : )
Monday, April 5, 2010
*Earth Week*
