There will be a few more blog posts relating to Earth Week!
As Earth Week kicked off this morning, the EcoNauts were out sorting trash on Town Square. The "digging" was covered by all the local news stations. Make sure to keep an eye out for the recordings!
A chance to win a bike? Oh my!
There is Sustainabili-tweet challenge on Facebook and Twitter to win a bike. Part of it is free Coffee!
Follow and Facebook: UC San Diego Sustainability to receive daily
Earth Week challenges. Each day, the most creative answer posted on either site will win a free coffee at Perk’s CafĂ© and be entered to win a bike.
Check out the flyer here: we love earth!
More events are on this site:
Please email me with any questions or words you have to share!
In love,
Happy Earth Week!
(A picture of me, my sister, and one of our best friends at the Balboa Earth Fair on April 18th)

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