I'm the UCSD: Living on Campus' newest blogger- Chelsey! I'm really excited to be able to work on this and give you guys the information you need to survive.... duh duh duhn... Living on campus.
To give you the general, run-of-the-mill about me, I'm a third year student living on campus in iHouse, but a Muir College (MUIRON PRIDE!) student. I am a psychology major and Lit/Writing minor (but considering making it into a double major). I am secretary for the iHouse events planning comittee, iHOP. I volunteer on campus at the International Center's Resale Shop every Friday morning from 10-1PM PST (and I highly advise coming to visit me or the shop because it's awesome there and you can get A LOT of things for cheap, cheap, cheap! And I'm all about the cheap, cheap, cheap.). I also am a KSDT radio DJ and I host the radio show Something Like That, But Not That on Monday nights from 8-9PM PST.
So, I would say I'm fairly involved with campus and will be able to give you the scoop on what's going on and let you in on the secrets of things you might have missed while living on campus.
I have to say, I'm not writing this at a particularly pleasant moment as I'm in a sleep-deprived, running on who-know-what state. I was out until 430AM last night seeing the new Harry Potter movie. It was AMAZING! The movie is... SPECTACULAR! I left campus

around 230PM to get to Edwards theatre in Mira Mesa and was there waiting in line the whole day through. I dress up at a Gryffindor Quidditch player (Yes, I had the t-shirt, the robes, the scarf, and was sorted by the Sorting Hat into Gryffindor while waiting in line. Oh yeah, I had my wand too! Something tells me 1. I would be able to pull the sword of Godric Gryffindor when I needed it and 2. I'm a nerd.) While waiting in line, one of my newest friends that I've just met this year, Jessica, drew a Dark Mark on my arm while waiting in line. IT'S THE BEST THING EVER.
One of the best things about the night though was being with my friends. My group was 17 people huge and EPIC. Some of these kids were the people I first met when I moved to UCSD, girls from my Tenaya suite whom I lived with last year in the Muir Apartments, and am neighbors in iHouse with this year. Some of these people I'd met only recently through iHouse or throughother friends. Some of these people I've met specifically through midnight showings of other movies. Some of these people are from Japan and Australia. Some of these people I met that day! But everyone was cool.
And I think that's one of the best things about living on-campus. You get to meet and live with so many amazing and different people and keep those relationships going. I know when you live off-campus, relationships tend to get a lot harder (I haven't even been able to say my first year roommates this year so far because they totally live off-campus now). Foster these relationships while you can because these people can be the foundation of your UCSD experience. I know for sure they've made mine. I know it's awkward to say this, but SKIP CLASS AND HAVE SOME FUN EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE. These moments, seemingly little now, are what you'll remember in the future. And I swear they're worth it.