Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Guardian

I'm not sure how many people on campus regularly read The Guardian. To be honest, I myself didn't really start reading it until this year. I feel like I missed out.

The Guardian, I think, is one of the best ways to really get to know UCSD and to really understand what's going on behind the scenes of the school, letting students know what's going on with new administration policies and rules and fee increases and much more.

But not everyone is interested in the political stuff. I'm not. Although I do try to be.

I like flipping over to the Opinion section. There, I read what students are really talking, what really going on in the minds of my peers, although probably much more elegantly said.

One of the Opinion columnists wrote in the latest issue of the Guardian about how they're graduating next year, like myself, and have no idea what they want to do afterwards. It's nice to feel like you're not alone in this life-boat of uncertainty and bewilderment.

Another column that I always really enjoy is Cheryl Hori's "Change of Pace." Each week, she writes about trying to change one of her bad habits and what kind of changes she sees. It's pretty interesting and I love all the outcomes and little life lessons you get out of her stories.

Anyway, The Guardian is great. I highly recommend perusing it next time you see and stand or a copy flowing in the wind near the campus loop stop near Peterson Hall where for some reason there's always a ton of them floating around.

If you're not into the columns or the politics... the Lights and Sirens will never fail you!

"7:31 p.m.: Medical aid
▶ A male in his 50s, possibly a
professor, was bleeding from his head
at Pacific Hall. He said he had the
stomach flu and kept falling several
times. Information only."

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't laugh but...

    It's crazy what happens around campus sometimes, isn't it? :)
