Monday, January 17, 2011

Well Worth The Wait: UCSD Quidditch

So since my first post for this blog was basically written in a half-awake, nerd-hangover after seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, I figured it would be appropriate to start this quarter with a post about Quidditch...

Specifically, UCSD Quidditch.


UCSD now has their very own Quidditch team! And it is seriously the most amazing sport ever played. Sure you might think "A bunch of dorks running around on brooms," which it is, I'll admit, but it the most intense game ever. Even the few spectators who have come to watch the game are shocked by how much action there is going on in a Quidditch came.

So, I thought I would use this awesome forum to talk about a really great group on-campus that you can get involved in. Because... it's so worth it.

The UCSD Quidditch club (Search 'Quidditch at UCSD' on the bookface or go to UCSD's Quidditch website) meets every Monday and Wednesday evenings from 4-6 on Muir Field behind Main Gym. Two teams play each hour, eight teams in total. I'm sure there is one that will fit your schedule!

We follow International Quidditch Association's rules with some minor changes for recreational play, but will hopefully get a competitive, traveling team together soon! As of right now though, we've got a league going and we definitely want you to join. Dues are $10 and you get a t-shirt out of it. Even if you don't want to play or can't this quarter, you can still buy the t-shirt for $10.

Everything is about the same as how Rowling describes the books. Obviously, we're not flying because none of us got our Hogwarts letters and therefore are stuck playing by Muggle rules, but it's awesome enough! There are three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker per team. The Quaffle is a red soccer ball, the three Bludgers are dodgeballs, and the Snitch is a person who runs around a designated area within campus with a tennis ball inside of a yellow sock sticking out of his or her shorts. (You might have seen the Snitch and Seekers running around Revelle/Muir these past couple of weeks.) There are three hoops at each end of the field that the Keeper is in charge of guarding.

The reason the game is so intense is because... it's a lot of hard work. There is more running than I could have possibly imagined (think soccer, ultimate frisbee status) plus you are allowed to tackle, charge, or do most anything to get the balls away from your opponent (think football), you've got Beaters throwing Bludgers all over the place (think dodgeball) and not only that... you've got a broom between your legs (think, well, Quidditch).

Not only do we play, but once the team really gets going, we're going to start holding fundraisers in order to support Rowling's charity of choice Book Aid International. We'll have fundraisers selling butterbeer and other Potter treats and also a place to donate books. Book Aid is a really awesome opportunity to give other kids the chance to read the series we all adore and find their own niche in the Potter and other fictional worlds.

We're very excited to be UCSD's first Quidditch League and I really hope you can come out and

1 comment:

  1. Let me know when you start selling butterbeer :P I'd be first in line!
