October 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Friday, October 30, 2009
Good Places to Study!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Don't be a Turkey......Keep your res hall/apartment "green" even when you're not there!
So our first holiday break of the academic year is coming up next month...Thanksgiving! That means turkey, pumpkin pie, family, and energy efficient res halls...wait, what?
Yep...I'm talking about doing that "little extra that saves a whole lot" before you leave campus for the holiday. By keeping your electronics, appliances, and chargers unplugged, you can enjoy your break knowing that those items aren't sucking up energy while you're away.

Power strips are another great item to have when your gadgets outnumber your outlets. Having your laptop, cell phone, and digital camera charger all hooked up to one power strip, makes it super easy to switch off when you leave the room!
But why wait till Thanksgiving break to start being energy efficient? When you leave a room, you switch off the lights right? Well go ahead and switch off that power strip while your at it! *Tada* You're livin GREEN!
And while you're not using your computer, set it to "sleep mode", so it uses less energy!
Want more tips on how to "green" and maintain your res hall?
Check out HDH Maintenance and Custodial Services at: http://hdh.ucsd.edu/maintenance/
Maintenance Services are available 24/7 through their Customer Service Center at 858.534.2600
as stated on the website:
You can assist them by…
- Taking your trash and recycling materials out to the designated receptacles.
- Immediately reporting any necessary maintenance or cleaning needs, such as fresh carpet stains, dripping faucets and showers, etc., to 858.534.2600.
- Returning all Dining Services food trays, dishes, and silverware back to the campus restaurants or designated Toby’s Spot.
While Angela and I were doing a "Trash Talk" at Roger's Place in Revelle Plaza, two students approached us about the proper disposal of batteries......
We told them about some of the battery disposal bins located around campus:
UCSD Bookstore, Earl's Place in Warren College, MOM at Muir College

go to: hdh.ucsd.edu/majorplanet
then click on What You Can Do found on the left side of the page
then click What is E-Waste, and How Can I Recycle it? as you scroll down the page
Hope all this helps : )

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Midterms and Busses
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Signs, Water, and Education!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Puttin your waste in its place? ....Come to Revelle's "Eat Local" event!
Been eating in the dining halls lately? Then you've probably been approached by students in black shirts who aren't afraid to "talk trash" to ya!
No these aren't over-studied and over-midtermed students ready to chew you out........they're your super friendly and incredibly helpful EcoNauts! If you haven't been graced by our presence yet, be on the lookout for us because we're here to help you reach your ec0-goals, no matter how "green" ; )
We approach you guys while you're eating (sometimes mid-bite) because we want to let you know how easy it is to compost and recycle before you head to the waste receptacles.
Be on the lookout for signs like these:

Some signs will have pictures and some will have words describing what waste item goes where. It's that easy people! But it's up to you to make it work!
So PLEASE take the time to look at the signs before you toss out your leftovers!
This looks more like a compost/trash bin than one for recycling : (

Wanna have some eco-fun! If you aren't doing anything from 4pm-6pm this Thursday night (10/22/09), then come out to "Beyond the Bite" at the anchor located near Plaza Cafe in Revelle!
This awesome event, which is geared toward UCSD students living both on and off campus, will focus on the benefits of eating fresh and local food from local growers.
The Revelle RAs are planning this fun-filled event that will include food, fun, music, and a chance for you to meet some of the EcoNauts! Kim (water conservation), Jessica (vegan and vegetarian tips), and I (Hilary aka composting queen) will be there to support the event and invite you to get to know us and all the initiatives we advocate for as EcoNauts. : )
Hope to see you out there tomorrow!
Otherwise, be on the lookout for us in the dining halls.
~Hilary *Composting Queen*
When you put your waste in the right bin, we all win!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Water Conservation
Well water month is on our doorstep, and HDH is really pushing the conservation of Housing and Dining facilities.
Just recently static clings went up in most (all is in progress) Resident Hall and Apartment showers and bathrooms. They support turning off water, not wasting it and knowing what you as a student can do to cut back on the amount of water you use.
You as a student can be water wise by doing some of the following things:
Take 5-minute showers.
Turn off the water when shaving and brushing your teeth.
Wash only full loads of clothes (and if you air dry you save electricity too).
Report leaks of faucets, toilets, showers and sprinklers to 858 534 2600.
Refrigerate water instead of letting it run till it is cool.
Conserving water starts with us, as individuals, but if you want to do more there are green groups on campus, such as the Aqua-holics who do more. Stop by the student organization center at Price Center for more information on green groups.
Thank You!
Angela =]
Friday, October 16, 2009
Signs in Dining Halls
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Feelin icky? Get a FluBuddy!
So I know that you are all aware of the epidemic swirling around campus....the FLU that is. I just survived my week of illness, and I'm here to tell you that you can too. Whether you've already been sick, are currently, or have a feeling you're next in your res hall ; ), I have some helpful hints on how to make it through.
My amazing boss, Krista Mays, actually told me about this awesome service on campus that provides students with a "flu buddy" (no not another sick person to hang out with). Flu Buddies are Student Health Advocates on campus that can bring you a Get Well Kit from the Student Health Center, and Flu Recovery Meals that are delivered by them to you.
The main goal of this awesome service, is to bring sick students essential get-well supplies, so you don't have to get them yourself. That way, you can stay home and rest, and keep your peers from gettin what you got. : ) It's a win-win situation! So e-mail FluBuddy@ucsd.edu, and get all the details about the kits ($5) and meals. They can hook you up Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Remember that hydration is super important when you're sick. I was able to stay on top of it by refilling my reusable water bottle at every hydration station I encountered.
If you do muster the strength to head to a dining hall while sick, remember to use the free hand sanitizer stations while there. ; )
For more info on what flu symptoms to look out for, go to https://studenthealth.ucsd.edu/flu.shtml.
Stay happy and healthy.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Composting: The Scoop
So I have heard so many things from students about Housing-Dining-Hospitality’s Composting program:
“We have one…?”
“Its not real they throw it away…”
“I never see the signs…”
“No meat or bones…”
And so, so much more…
Well here is the deal about Housing-Dining-Hospitality composting…
Yes, we do have one. Participate! Make it better!
It has been being thrown away with the trash –wait, don’t start yelling yet!- there are reasons for that.
1. There wasn’t enough room for UCSD to start the program at the Miramar landfill; they didn’t have enough room for the amount of compost we would bring in yet.
2. The compost had to be relatively clean of non-compostable materials, so we had to get you students use to not throwing other stuff in there. It’s got to be clean healthy compost material! =]
Composting. Do it.
Angela =]
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Cage-free Eggs!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Budgeting Your Points
In the resident halls you get about $82 to spend per week.
In the apartments you get about $63 to spend per week.
(On the minimum plans).
There is a schedule by week of how much money you should have left. You can check your balance every time they swipe your card; it shows up on the meter they use to ring u
p your purchases. If you don’t see it, then ask.
Don’t forget that if you want those Carmel Machiato’s every day then you can always bump up your dining plan, or have family put Triton Cash or Dining Points on your account!
Here is the schedule:
For bigger pictures use this link:
If you have any questions remember to visit:
Angela =]
Friday, October 2, 2009
RD in da House!