I hope you are all having a wonderful week. We know we are at HDH because we are updating all of the recycling and composting signs in the dining facilities and really working on implementing the composting program.
If you didn't know, UCSD is going to start COMPOSTING around November. The composted goods from UCSD are going to go to "The Greenery" at the Miramar Landfill. There they will be transformed into soil and be used to beautify the earth!
For those of you who read the Guardian, there was an article written about our composting plans in the 42nd volume and 5th issue (Volume XLII, Issue V). It's called "Compost Plans Still in Early Stages" for those of you really interested in learning about composting at UCSD.
The updated signs will include the recent changes to the acceptable recyclable and compostable items for specifically the UCSD campus.
-Meat and bones
-milk jugs/cartons
-#3-#7 recyclables (things such as yogurt cups)
And napkins have always been compostable. That is a compostable item that most people are in unbelief about. But believe it!!
Hilary, *the Compost Queen*,
enforcing the composting way.
Look out for the new signs, and follow them. Happy composting!
-Jessica B.
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