Hey guys!
I hope you are all doing great! I know I am.
We recently put up signs around campus, hot off the press, to clearly remind students what is the recycling and what is the compost bin. We still have plenty more to distribute so don't get too upset if you haven't seen them yet. Remember, the trash dumpster is GREEN and the recycling is BLUE.
Another thing to aware you of is that November is WATER AWARENESS MONTH. Expect to be reminded of saving water every day of life, and be on the look-out for really cool stuff. Something that is going on with that is an Art, Film, and Innovation Competition. Exemplify your artistic ability relating to water in any way and win
This will be rewarded by Aquaholics Anonymous, a student org, and you can turn in your work by November 13th to aquaholicsucsd.com

Want to do some extra good for others? Are you a patriot for education? If you answered yes to these questions, all you have to do it a very simple tax of collecting your box tops that say "box Tops for Education" and $.10 for each top will go to Box Tops will be donated to a school in Bellingham,
Washington that has been selected by the host institution, Western Washington University. Collect your box tops and turn them into Windi N. Sasaki's desk by November 12th.
Find out what is included in this Box Tops for Ecucation Program:
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