So I know that you are all aware of the epidemic swirling around campus....the FLU that is. I just survived my week of illness, and I'm here to tell you that you can too. Whether you've already been sick, are currently, or have a feeling you're next in your res hall ; ), I have some helpful hints on how to make it through.
My amazing boss, Krista Mays, actually told me about this awesome service on campus that provides students with a "flu buddy" (no not another sick person to hang out with). Flu Buddies are Student Health Advocates on campus that can bring you a Get Well Kit from the Student Health Center, and Flu Recovery Meals that are delivered by them to you.
The main goal of this awesome service, is to bring sick students essential get-well supplies, so you don't have to get them yourself. That way, you can stay home and rest, and keep your peers from gettin what you got. : ) It's a win-win situation! So e-mail, and get all the details about the kits ($5) and meals. They can hook you up Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
Remember that hydration is super important when you're sick. I was able to stay on top of it by refilling my reusable water bottle at every hydration station I encountered.
If you do muster the strength to head to a dining hall while sick, remember to use the free hand sanitizer stations while there. ; )
For more info on what flu symptoms to look out for, go to
Stay happy and healthy.
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