Monday, October 12, 2009

Composting: The Scoop

So I have heard so many things from students about Housing-Dining-Hospitality’s Composting program:

“We have one…?”

“Its not real they throw it away…”

“I never see the signs…”

“No meat or bones…”

And so, so much more…

Well here is the deal about Housing-Dining-Hospitality composting…

Yes, we do have one. Participate! Make it better!

It has been being thrown away with the trash –wait, don’t start yelling yet!- there are reasons for that.

1. There wasn’t enough room for UCSD to start the program at the Miramar landfill; they didn’t have enough room for the amount of compost we would bring in yet.

2. The compost had to be relatively clean of non-compostable materials, so we had to get you students use to not throwing other stuff in there. It’s got to be clean healthy compost material! =]

BUT we will be starting at the Miramar Landfill in November. It’s the real deal people, so be prepared!

If you don’t see the signs ask the people working in the dish area! They will be more than glad to help you. (Ask and you so shall receive!)

Everything on your plate can be composted! The meat, the cheese, the fish, the pasta, the sauce, the syrup, the salad, the dirty napkins, the straws, the cups, the soup containers, the plates, the containers, the wrap papers… all of it. Ain’t it great?

Composting. Do it.

Oh, by the way, for all the people who asked, Recycle-Mania is from January to April. Be prepared to make your college the best!

Angela =]

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